01-03-2022 - 13-03-2022

RC Lonavla have put up two selfie points near Khandala valley for tourists to click selfie and promote Rotary.Under the PR project, RC Lonavala has come up with the unique idea of "SELFIE POINT". Being Lonavala is a tourist place we installed two " Selfie Point boards" at scenic locations. The idea behind was that everyone has a mobile with an inbuilt camera & tourists would like to take the memory of visiting our town. Selfie Boards are designed in such a way that while taking a photo background scene should be seen at the same time Rotary International logo & our club logo are captured in a photo. Eventually when these photos are shared on social media Rotary Image will be created.

Public Image Avenue Details

Start Date 01-03-2022
End Date 13-03-2022
Cost 40000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 100
Partner Clubs RC LONAVALA
Non Rotary Partners
Category Physical displays (Hoardings/Bilboards), Rotary Promtion Events